COVID-19 Action Fund: Transitioning from COVID Grant
The Santa Clara County REALTORS® Foundation is committed to making our community a better place to live for all. Our Foundation was created to respond to crises just like the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the number of infections and deaths falling significantly as our state and nation becomes vaccinated from the disease, many activities are starting to get back to our pre-COVID normal. Making a significant transition like this can create challenges or new costs for organizations and families who already had to struggle over the last year and a half.
As part of the Foundation's COVID-19 Relief Action, the Board of Trustees has authorized a special action fund to provide $1,500 grants to help our friends and neighbors emerge from the COVID pandemic. Community organizations should submit the application below to be considered for one of several $1,500 grants that are available.
Instructions: Please complete the application below.
Criteria: Non-profit organization located in, or providing services to, Santa Clara county